What is the One Journey, Our Time in the Son campaign?
This is the name we have chosen to describe our capital campaign and the renovations we are making to the Church. It is our time spent with Jesus, our good Shepherd, as he leads us on this journey
What is the timeline?
Our campaign efforts will begin now through May 21, 2023 with an effort to inform, impact and inspire our congregation. We anticipate starting construction on May 22, 2023, and believe it will last into Spring 2024. The capital campaign will last for three years, as we try to raise the funds necessary for this project.
What are the ministry goals of the One Journey, Our Time in the Son campaign?
It will strengthen our discipleship ministries, moving us to get outside the walls of our building.
It will provide the space needed for our growing children’s, youth, and adult ministries.
It will make space for our growing multi-cultural ministries, including the existing Hispanic ministry as well as make it possible for our Eritrean congregation to worship on Sunday mornings. This will allow our Eritrean children and youth to participate in our Sunday morning ministries.
Why is it important for all members to participate in the One Journey, Our Time in the Son campaign?
We are all on this Journey together, but the Journey is also personal. We want you to spend time getting closer to Jesus, as He leads us all, but also as He leads you personally.
Who is on the committee?
Pastor John David Mull
Brian Rickert, Campaign Director
Becky Bonefas, Campaign Manager
Courtney Fox, Communications Manager
Multiple other volunteers active in the process. If you are interested in volunteering, feel free to reach out to any committee member or email
When will the renovation/construction work begin?
Construction is anticipated to begin on May 22, 2023
How long will it take to complete the renovation?
We anticipate construction will last through Spring 2024
What are the two renovation phases?
So we can best use the space, we have split construction into two phases. The two phases are shown in color and are included as part of the Campaign Booklet and on the homepage of this website
Where will we worship when the sanctuary is being renovated? Will we still have our 8:00 and 10:30 services?
We have phased the construction work so that we can continue to utilize the Sanctuary for as long as possible. However, when work begins in the Sanctuary, we will worship in the gym until the work in the Sanctuary is completed. Our goal is to return to worshiping in the Sanctuary before Easter 2024 (March 31, 2024). While there may be some variation in worship times during construction, there are not plans to deviate from the 8 AM and 10:30 AM services once renovations are complete.
Will the ELC have enough space? How will the preschool be affected by the renovation?
The preschool staff has been consulted throughout the design process and efforts are being made to have renovations of the area(s) most used by the ELC completed by the start of the school year this fall. While the ELC will technically lose some classroom areas, the space needed for current enrollment demands will still be available.
How will the renovations affect items/areas given as memorials (for example, the prayer room)?
If an area of the church or item will be affected by renovations, Pastor and/or the leadership will reach out to the family and address any concerns. If there is a specific concern that hasn't been addressed, please feel free to reach out to Pastor John David at any time.
What is our fundraising goal during this campaign?
We hope to raise a total of $1.5 million, which will be collected over three years
What is our monthly/annual debt service?
We have been pre-approved for a construction loan. With a construction loan, we only draw funds if and when we need to, and normally on a monthly basis when bills are submitted by the contractor for payment. We will be raising funds as part of our capital campaign and will use those funds as much as possible and rather than drawing on the loan. As a result, we will not know the total debt service until construction is completed. Ultimately, the more we raise, the less our debt load.
Who is LCEF? Why are we doing the campaign with them?
Lutheran Church Extension Fund (LCEF) is an extension of the Missouri Synod that focuses on assisting churches in renovation projects. LCEF is assisting in two major ways. First, LCEF will loan the church funds to use for our project on favorable terms. Second, LCEF provides assistance with the capital campaign to raise funds for our project. LCEF has been providing these services to churches for over 30 years. We chose them for their experience working with Missouri Synod churches on these types of projects.
Should I reduce my tithe/regular offerings to the general fund to support the capital campaign?
No. The Capital Campaign is a three-year commitment to give above our regular offerings. The ministries of the church will continue during the improvements taking place over the next three years.
What ways can I contribute? Can a Required Minimum Distribution be used?
Contributing is very personal and flexible and yes, required minimum distribution funds can be a great option to fund a donation. You can pay in a lump sum, pay over time, automatic withdrawal from any bank account, or any other way that you desire. We are happy to talk to you more about this, so it fits your personal preference.
How will the SOTV endowment be utilized during the campaign?
The endowment will continue to be managed as it has been since its inception. Principal funds cannot be used and interest may be allocated for projects as determined necessary and prudent by the endowment management committee.